Buy me a coffee
Family Life

We are on Buy Me a Coffee :-)

It is wonderful to connect with you all and to have some of you want to support us is so humbling. After having a conversation with a lovely lady who was so inspired by what we wanted to do she suggested Buy me a coffee. I’ll admit this is not really something I thought I’d be writing. I’m extremely grateful that some of you are so inspired by what we are trying to do for our family that you want to help support us to make it a reality.

Support comes in many ways and for many reasons. For some of you, it maybe showing appreciation for the content videos we put out on YouTube. Our ‘warts and all’ of family life, as a family of 7. Albeit that you do not get to see Kiesha as much since she has flown the nest and is creating her own adventures.

Some of you have come over from my Traci Cornelius Channel. To have you follow the journey of my many ventures, the introduction of four more amazing girls to our family is a blessing. I cannot even express it into words. I’ve loved; all the conversations, seeing all your makes that were inspired by my designs and videos as well as all the support through our pregnancies and beyond.

If there is one thing that I’m so incredibly grateful for it is the connections that have been made over the (many) years through social media and YouTube. Some of you have been with me since even the earliest of crafting days way before youtube was a thing (showing my age!).

Never heard of Buy Me a Coffee before?

Buy me a coffee is a platform that gives people the opportunity to support creators and the like, through a donation. This can be a one off and like the name suggests like purchasing a cup of coffee. There is a choice on Buy me a coffee as to how many cups of coffee you would like to donate usually; 1, 3 or 5.

Creators are also able to set goals giving supporters the opportunity to help them achieve a particular saving goal. An example maybe new camera equipment to then make better videos for the supporters to enjoy. (Which reminds me watch out for a future post as we should have our new microphone any time now!).

There is also an option for creators to create a membership and provide exclusive content just for those members. For members, it then becomes a monthly donation option. So, Buy me a coffee is very versatile for both creators and supporters. It is just such a lovely way of being able to show your support. We appreciate all support whether it be through Buy me a coffee, subscribing to our channels, following us on instagram or commenting on our posts all of it means so much – Thank you x

What are we doing with the donations?

All donations are going directly to the Vanlife fund and filming equipment. We will be filming every aspect of Vanlife. From thought to (hopefully) reality. As we are going to be doing a self-build, we will record each step. I’m sure there will be many trials, tribulations and triumphs. We wish to bring you the best viewing experience as we can. (Without being a full on professional filming crew of course!).

The girls are also going to share their thoughts with you along the journey. From their initial thoughts on the idea. The build process. Then the living experience. You can think if it like a living diary! To be honest they are super keen to share. And they are brutally honest! Their first initial thoughts to Vanlife interview will be out soon.

Are there any other perks to Donating?

Yes! We would love to give you a shout out on our videos! Of course you can remain anonymous if you would like too. We will also be offering you the chance to ask direct questions. There will also be some exclusive posts just to the Buy me a Coffee page too. We do not know exactly how it will progress over time. I think that will largely depend on what people like yourselves find helpful 🙂