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Pressurising the LPG Gas Tank

Pressurising the LPG Gas Tank has been such a long time coming.  The Gas Tank has been fitted for awhile as have all the gas pipes to the appliances… So, why the delay?

Honestly, it’s nerve wrecking… A gas leak and a spark equals boom! And noboby wants that.  

We did so much research but really when it all came down to it is was a lot less daunting than we thought

What does Pressuring the LPG Gas Tank Mean?

Pressurising the LPG Gas Tank is basically a fancy description for adding gas to the tanks and checking for leaks.

To check for leaks we used a special liquid which bubbles and fizzes if a leak is present.

It was really easy to apply and can come with a brush or as a spray.  You do not need a lot so you will have some to be able to test again later on if you make any changes or add any new gas appliances.


Filling up was pretty straight forward and if like us you have never used LPG before you can see how we connected the gas to the van in the video.

We did make a rookie error though but more on that in a minute.

We only added a small amount of LPG to start with so we could test for any leaks and know that if there was a leak we would not be wasting gas or money. It also gave us peace of mind.

We also tested just one section at a time.  Underneath to start and then each gas tap and subsequent pipe joints thereafter.

Rookie Mistake

So, what was our rookie mistake?  After testing the tank and having a huge sigh of relief that all was well and no leaks were found we went back to fill up the tank.  This time it was me that filled up with Mark’s instruction.  Popped the cap back on, paid and happily went on our way to feed our ‘starving’ rabble! 

It wasn’t until the next day that our rookie mistake revealed itself to us… Can you guess what it was?


Yep, the gas cap… It clearly wasn’t put on properly and so was no longer on

Annoying but in the whole grand scheme of things not a big deal.  We ordered another one knowing this time we would drill a small whole and attach it to the pipe so that if it was not connected properly it would just hang down rather than being lost on some random road.  Plus you get to learn from our misfortune so you don’t make the same mistake.

Why is having Gas such a big deal?

Having Gas is such a big deal as it moves us one step closer to being off grid.  It is also a very cheap way to heat the van and heat the water.


However, we do also have to consider that they are trying to do away with all gas in the UK and so for longevity it may not be the best option.  Although with the recent updates on burning wood, log burners may also be an issue.  You can catch all the latest regulations on log burning on the website.

Pressurising the LPG Gas Tank

The next milestone for me personally will be making a cuppa on the hob… Although it has to wait a few days for us to be able to get the kettle which has been stored away.  Although I am seriously considering upgrading ours to a collapsible one.

Then of course it’s cooking for the girls.  All exciting milestones in our van build.  

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