About Us

We Bought a VanAbout Us

Welcome! We are the Cornelius-Ford Family. We are passionate about living a limitless life, sharing the journey and helping others achieve their version of a limitless life too. What that doesn’t mean though is that we have it all figured out! Nope, sometimes we are still flying-by-the-seat-of-our-pants navigating life in the best way possible with the information and experiences we have at that time.

One thing we did know though, was that we didn’t want to spend our life in the 9-5 grind (which is more like the 7-7 grind), spending less time together as a family or as a couple. So, we decided to sell everything we owned, buy a van, convert it into a tiny home on wheels and live in it full time with 4 of our 5 girls, travel the UK, homeschool them and work whilst on the road.

Who are we?

  • Traci (Mum)
  • Mark (Dad)
  • Kiesha ~ Daughter #1 age (1997) flown the nest and creating her own adventures
  • Nevaeh ~ Daughter #2 age (2011)
  • Grace ~ Daughter #3 age (2013)
  • Alina ~ Daughter #4 age (2014)
  • Soraya ~ Daughter #5 age (2016)
  • Roo ~ Miniature Labradoodle age (2015)

We are just on the cusp of this journey and we would love for you to join us.

You can follow us on:

Cornelius_FordFamily Instagram

Cornelius-Ford Family Youtube Channel

Want to work with us?  Contact us through this form or at hi@cornelius-fordfamily.com for a copy of our media kit